
Prayer Requests

Let us pray for one another...

Please send us your prayer requests so we may join you in prayer.

List of 1 items.

  • Current Prayer Requests

    Please pray for Alumnae who are ill:
    • Erin O’Sullivan Wassenius ’93 (11.18.24)
    • Lucie Amrhein Miller ’17 (10.22.24)
    • Ashley Urbaski ’03 (07.09.24)
    • Regina Flynn Nizer ’64 (06.01.24)
    • Brenda Fabella Bell ’78, P’07 (03.12.24)
    • Angie Miller LePore ’04 (11.29.23)
    • Joann Donda Tyler ’65 (11.10.23)
    • Amy Moore Cherry ’99 (07.10.23)
    • Nancy Assero ’65, P’97 (05.31.23)
    • Karen Rolfes Meusel ’81, P’06 (04.19.23)
    • Tara Miller ’93, P’27 (03.21.23)
    • Katherine Dietrich Savin ’99 (03.13.23)
    • Rita Schmitz Crane ’76 (12.01.22)
    • Beverly Sopp ’64 (01.13.22)
    • Carol Kohles Sanders ’76 (08.19.22)
    • Susanna Ciccanti Kuhn ’79 (08.02.22)
    • Carolyn Buck Cohee ’66 (07.19.22)
    • Pat White Foster ’67 (06.07.22)
    • Pia Mackel Crafton ’97 (03.25.22)
    • Nadia Owusu ’18 (02.24.22)
    • Courtney Gonce ’00 (05.17.21)
    • Barbara Bunn Weishaar ’71 (12.22.20)
    • Kristy Keener Cooper ’97 (11.09.20)
    • Linda Urbanski Duncan ’79 (11.06.20)
    • Tracey Fisher Elliott ’82 (9.15.20)
    • Christy Loomis Borck ’04 (08.07.20)
    Please pray for relatives of Alumnae who are ill:
    • Bailey Severe Connelly ’08.....her daughter (12.03.2024)
    • Adriane Rhoden Catalfo ’09.....her husband; Carla Stronski Rhoden ’76.....her son-in-law; Erica Rhoden Bettleyon ’02.....her brother-in-law (12.02.24)  
    • Kia Myrick McDaniel ’95.....her father (12.02.24) 
    • Mary Davey Layton ’65.....her husband (10.28.24)
    • Lucie Amrhein Miller ’17.....her daughter (10.22.24)
    • Jennifer Berndt White ’92.....her father (10.17.24)
    • Virginia Moore ’92.....her daughter (09.13.24)
    • Angie Miller LePore ’04.....her mother (08.20.24)
    • Kate Korrow ’97, Kristi Korrow ’00, Julie Korrow Soberano ’04.....their aunt (08.13.24)
    • Maryann Wajda ’77.....her husband (07.29.24)
    • Sarah Coffman ’19.....her grandmother
    • Doreen Rockel ’78, P’00.....her grandson; Keri Martin ’00.....her son (04.18.24) 
    • Kate Bell Lipka ’07.....her mother; Sandy Fabella ’82.....her sister (03.12.24)
    • Sally Gordon Hechter ’85.....her father (01.25.24)
    • Renee Hock Rath ’92.....her mother (01.11.23)
    • Becky Egan Hogg ’89, P’27 and Meg Egan Auderset ’84.....their brother (11.29.23)
    • Kristen Snyder Reynolds ’92, P’21.....her mother; Kelsey Reynolds ’21.....her grandmother (10.02.23)
    • Amy Moore Cherry ’99.....her stepfather (09.29.23)
    • Angela Miller LePore ’04.....her father (07.25.23)
    • Britney Carey ’22.....her father (06.13.23)
    • Meghan Murphy ’97.....her mother (05.31.23)
    • Carrie Bender Hill ’93.....her father (04.20.23)
    • Ronnie Meusel ’06.....her mother; JoAnn Rolfes Gayo ’73, Robin Rolfes Barsotti ’76, Debbie Rolfes Dannemann ’77, & Kim Rolfes Sheridan ’86.....their sister (04.19.23)
    • Kate Plantholt Elfrey ’98.....her husband (03.20.23)
    • Rebecca Franklin Neal ’90.....her son (03.15.23)
    • Lydia Lafferty Curran ’65.....her husband; Peggy Lafferty Amaral ’67.....her brother-in-law (03.06.23)
    • Rebeca Vargas Barba ’16 & Julissa Vargas ’22.....their mother (12.1.22)
    • Charlene Brown Stine ’75.....her husband (11.30.22)
    • Courtney Gonce ’00.....her father (11.29.22)

    Please pray for current and former faculty and staff members:

    • Mae Miller P’04 (08.20.24)
    Please pray for relatives of current and former faculty and staff members who are ill:
    • Renee Newberry P’26.....her father-in-law (08.20.24)
    • Maryann Wajda ’77.....her husband (07.29.24) 
    • Braeden McHugh.....his uncles (04.18.24)
    • Kate Bell Lipka ’07.....her mother (03.12.24)
    • Becky Egan Hogg ’89, P’27.....her brother (11.29.23)
    • Jeanne Blakeslee.....her sister (11.10.23)
    • Mae Miller P’04.....her husband (07.25.23)
    • Kim Rolfes Sheridan ’86.....her sister (04.19.23)
Let us pray for those who have gone before us in the hope of rising again with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

List of 4 items.

  • Alumnae

    • Tiara Jones (12.04.2024)
    • Margaret Tracy Linz ’65 (11.05.2024)
  • Alumnae Relatives

    • Kristy Sipes ’92.....her father (11.23.2024)
    • Tina Robinson Pierce ’90.....her uncle (11.22.2024)
    • Amy Taylor Clark ’93, P’26.....her father-in law; Ellen Clark ’26.....her grandfather (11.16.2024)
    • Lisa Hurtka Covington ’74....her mother (11.15.2024)
    • Jackie Kisnick Impagliatelli ’92.....her father in law (11.10.2024)
    • Mary Amrhein-Thillman ’01 and Stephanie Amrhein ’06.....their father (10.22.2024)
    • Virginia Bates Moore ’92.....her mother (10.21.2024)
    • Kristen Bourne Dooley ’07 & Rachel Bourne Butrica ’12.....their mother (10.18.2024)
    • Julia LeFevre ’66.....her husband; Michele Ventura Engles ’73, Rose Ventura Deise ’75 +, and Gloria Ventura Ellis ’79, GP’26.....their uncle; Gabriella Hoover ’26.....her great uncle (10.18.2024)
    • Kesie Schmith Muth, M.S., OTR/L ’11.....her grandmother-in-law (10.18/2024)
    • Cathy Kocur Ellis ’93.....her mother; Rosemary Kosiorek Meyer ’88 & Sue Kosiorek ’91.....their aunt; Summer Brown ’24.....her great aunt (10.16.2024)
    • Kristina Huffman Davies ’95.....her father-in-law (10.15.2024)
    • Jean Dell’Uomo Reid Kelley ’69.....her sister; Lauren Franzoni Dooley ’88.....her cousin (10.09.2024)
    • Michele Jackman Anthony ’83.....her father (10.08.2024)
    • Stephanie Witte ’04.....her father (10.03.2024)
    • Caroline MacSherry Mapp ’90.....her mother (09.30.2024)
    • Morgan Kalb Keller ’11.....her child; Patti Fisher Kalb ’77, P’11.....her grandchild
    • Anne Balcer, Esq. ’95.....her brother (09.21.2024) 
    • Kaitlyn Kozlowski ’18 and Karissa Kozlowski ’20.....their grandmother (09.19.2024)
    • Mary Jo Scannell Miller ’77.....her sister (09.15.2024)
    • Gina Rossi Schulte ’76.....her brother-in-law; Katie Schulte Burton ’02 & Jennifer Schulte Burton ’06.....their uncle (09.14.2024) 
    • Michelle DiPaula Nelson ’74, Deborah DiPaula Galli ’77.....their sister; Dawn DiPaula Gentry ’75, Judy DiPaula McCleaf ’77, Mary Patricia DiPaula ’79.....their cousin
    • Gabi Hopkins Saiontz ’85.....her mother (09.06.2024)
    • Karen Schaum Singleton Reilly ’74.....her sister; Sue Kaiss ’66.....her cousin (09.04.2024)
    • Debbie Stehley Ebert ’65.....her husband (08.31.2024)
    • Rosemary Kosiorek Meyer ’88, Sue Kosiorek ’91, P’24.....their brother; Summer Brown ’24.....her uncle; Cathy Kocur Ellis ’93.....her cousin (08.29.2024)
    • JoAnn Crouse Dunn ’64.....her husband (08.26.2024)
    • Mary Agnes Myers Votta ’68, P’10.....her husband; Jessica Votta Stehman PA-C ’10.....her father (08.20.2024)
    • Bobbie Bender Bielski ’75.....her former husband; Katie Bielski Merson ’05, Jessica Bielski Barnett ’07, Becca Bielski Williams ’09.....their father (08.09.2024)
    • Dawn DiPaula Gentry ’75, P’05, ’08, Judith DiPaula McCleaf ’77, & Mary Patricia DiPaula ’79.....their mother; Corinne Gentry ’05 & Megan Gentry ’08.....their grandmother (08.03.2024)
    • Rene Ruggiero Postrech ’69.....her mother (07.29.2024)
    • Lisa Wheeley Evans ’73.....her sister; Mary Vaeth Barden ’73 & Sue Vaeth ’74.....their cousin (07.28.2024)
    • Kim Clark ’76.....her sister; Jacqueline Garst ’21 & Stephanie Garst ’23.....their great aunt (07.15.2024)
    • Elizabeth Fogarty Kexel ’67 & Maureen Fogarty Pecora ’71.....their mother; Maggie McCleary ’12.....her grandmother (06.30.2024)
    • Nora Walsh Kellner ’69, P’04, ’06.....her mother; Kara Wesolowski O’Connor ’97, Kristen Wesolowski Stastney ’99, Nicole Keller Marzochhi ’04, Melissa Kellner ’06, Samantha Dye ’11, Sydney Dye ’19.....their grandmother (06.27.2024)
    • Heather Gilpatrick ’84, Bridget Gilpatrick Armstrong ’87, & Jamie Gilpatrick Anderson ’88.....their father; Neile-ann Anderson.....her grandfather (05.28.2024)
    • Sam DeRoose ’10 & Stephanie DeRoose Argentino ’13.....their grandfather (05.28.2024)
    • Dana Cahill ’08.....her grandmother (05.15.2024)
    • Lisa Schuler Thorne ’75.....her husband; Beth Schuler Groves ’82.....her brother-in-law 
    • Laine Reddish ’21.....her fiancé; Hailey Reddish ’19.....her future brother-in-law; Tricia Tollen Reddish ’91.....her future son-in-law (04.14.24)
    • Kim Sampson-Durkee ’88.....her mother (04.13.24)
    • Jessica Ndoci McCabe ’10.....her husband (04.07.24) 
    • Kristin Urban ’07.....her aunt (03.22.24)
    • Paula Salamone Bangs ’66.....her uncle (03.04.24)
    • Anita Hergenroeder Posterli ’75.....her brother (03.02.24)
    • Jennifer Siegmund Brechin ’91.....her husband (02.28.24)
    • Katie Scarborough ’04 and Sara Scarborough ’08.....their grandfather (02.28.24)
    • Baily Kakacek ’16.....her mother (02.17.24)
    • Mary Schutz Holmes ’66, Sue Schutz Prematta ’69, Jane Schutz Aud ’73, Nancy Schutz Pugaczewski ’76.....their brother; Elena Schutz ’20, Leah Schutz ’22, and Meredith Schutz ’24.....their great uncle (02.13.24)
    • Maeve Burke ’10.....her grandfather (02.12.24)
    • Karen Pollizzi Bailey ’73, P’02 & Carolyn Pollizzi Brock ’86.....their mother; Megan Bailey Barrett ’02.....her grandmother (02.11.24)
    • Mary Beth Lennon ’85.....her aunt (02.15.24)
    • Cheryl Frazier ’98, P’28.....her mother (01.30.24)
    • Susan Drago Sternberg ’72, P’08, ’09 and Nancy Drago ’79.....their sister; Sarah Sternberg Ryan ’08 and Julianna Sternberg-Matsos ’09.....their aunt (01.28.24)
    • Kelsey Highcove de Borja ’07.....her step-brother (01.15.24)
      Molly McLaughlin Quinn ’77, P’12.....her great niece and great nephew; Eileen Quinn ’12.....her cousins (01.14.24)
    • Jamie Knapp Lutz ’93.....her mother (12.29.23)
  • Current & Former Faculty & Staff

  • Current & Former Faculty & Staff Relatives

    • Dr. Martha Wharton.....her father (09.11.24)
    • Diana Rego.....her mother; James Rego.....his grandmother (08.07.24)
    • Sr. Barbara Wheeley, RSM.....her sister (07.28.24)
    • Janet Marnien-Trimble.....her father-in-law 
    • David Barber.....his wife; Cody Barber.....his mother; Charles Barber.....his sister-in-law; Michael Schwiegerath.....his sister (03.08.24)
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