Welcome to the Mercy High School Mothers’ Club page. My name is Michele Hoover. I am the president of the Mercy Mothers’ Club and a parent of a Mercy junior.
The Mothers’ Club is one-half of the parent association at Mercy. Our mission is to support the administrators, faculty, and staff of Mercy High School as they pursue the education and development of our Mercy Girls. We do this through fundraising, by supporting special projects that will enhance the Mercy experience, and through fellowship, providing an opportunity for all female family members to gather and be active members of the school community. Some of these efforts can be seen in continuing long-standing traditions like the Mother-Daughter Luncheon, decorating the school at Christmas time, and celebrating Faculty Staff Appreciation Week.
We typically meet on the second Tuesday of the month from October to May. The meetings are held in the Mercy Dining Hall and begin at 7:00 p.m. with light refreshments, and socializing while we discuss upcoming events and club business. We will also hold joint meetings with the Fathers’ Club in September and June.
There is no formal time commitment to be a member. Attend meetings and volunteer as your time and talents allow! Our membership form can be found
here. I am eager to meet all of our new members and welcome back our returning members for an amazing school year.
Should you have any questions about anything the Mothers’ Club does or have suggestions, contact us at
mothersclub@mercyhighschool.com. For up-to-date information on all meetings and special events, follow the
Mothers’ Club Facebook page!
Michele Hoover P’26