The Mercy Girl Experience

Mercy Traditions

Mercy Girls past and present share a unique connection and a sense of belonging.

Mercy Traditions

These special traditions provide a rich backdrop for a Mercy education. Many day-to-day rituals also make Mercy unique and special for each student. Lockers are wrapped for special occasions, delighting surprised students and making the hallways festive! Advisee groups vie for top honors in decorating contests, and students dress up in costumes for particular classes or occasions. Year-round special activities include assemblies, dances, spirit days, and class prayer days.
These traditions are what make being a Mercy Girl so special.

In addition to some of these traditions that link Mercy Girls across generations, we are proud to offer more than 35 clubs and extracurricular activities where students can explore their interests and passions. To learn more, visit our Clubs & Organizations page!

List of 6 items.

  • Mercy Day / Ring Day

    Mercy-sponsored ministries around the world celebrate September 24 as Mercy Day, the anniversary of the opening of Catherine McAuley’s House of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland where she sheltered, fed, and educated women and girls. At Mercy High School, the day takes on even greater significance as members of the senior class receive their long-awaited Mercy rings.

    Read more about the history of the Mercy Ring.
  • Freshman Welcome Day

    On Freshman Welcome Day, junior “big sisters” welcome their “little sisters,” helping them learn the ropes in a brand new school.
  • Foundation Day

    On December 12, the school community gathers to celebrate Foundation Day, the day the Sisters of Mercy were founded as a religious community.
  • Sophomore Unity Week

    Sophomore Unity Week gives our tenth graders the opportunity to connect through activities, discussion, and prayer, and culminates in the Sophomore pin ceremony and dance.
  • Field Day

    Field Day is a spring spectacle featuring athletic events, funny races, and presentations by each class. The competition is fierce as classes are judged on presentation, exercise, and dance performances. Students work hard, uniting under class captains and themes, each class vying for the coveted Field Day trophy!
  • Senior Traditions

    Seniors wind down their four years at Mercy with the much-anticipated Senior Video, Alumnae Senior Breakfast, senior trip, and of course prom and graduation.
Mercy High School Baltimore is a sponsored ministry of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and is a member of Mercy Education.

Mercy High School proudly partners with eCampus for textbooks and other materials for our Mercy Girls.

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