Signature Programs

Sister Michelle Carroll Learning Services Program

Sister Michelle Carroll Learning Services Program

The Sister Michelle Carroll Learning Services Program supports Mercy Girls as they access Mercy’s rigorous college preparatory academic program. This program offers Mercy Girls with documented learning differences or mild to moderate language-based learning disabilities a highly personalized program in a challenging and inclusive academic setting, preparing them to be successful and confident learners in high school, college, and beyond. Our highly experienced learning specialists create an individual support plan for each student that formalizes the student’s accommodations and is based on her full educational-psychological evaluation. Mercy Girls in this program develop organization, note-taking skills, time management, self-advocacy, and study strategies to become more confident as they take ownership of their learning.  

Incoming families must indicate interest in the program and submit additional materials to the program director. 

The Sister Michelle Carroll Learning Services Program offers two distinct levels of support for Mercy Girls. Our learning specialists assess each student’s progress regularly and evaluate their needs on annual basis.

List of 2 items.

  • Level 1: Serving students with language-based learning disabilities

    In this program offering intensive support, girls diagnosed with language-based learning disabilities such as dyslexia meet with their assigned learning specialist three times a week. Students receive both 2:1 and individualized instruction in study skills that include organization, time management, self-advocacy, and study strategies using course content and texts, as well as direct instruction in reading using proven methods.
  • Level 2: Service students with learning differences

    In this program offering moderate support, girls diagnosed with learning differences meet their assigned learning specialist to help them develop organization, time management, self-advocacy, and study strategies to become confident learners. Emphasis is placed on skill-based instruction using course content and texts to teach skills. Girls meet with their learning specialist in small groups (2:1) twice a week for their first year. In years two through four, girls meet with their learning specialist once a week.
    • Sister Michelle Carroll greets a Mercy Girl on the first day of school in 1960

List of 1 items.

  • What selection criteria are used for admission to the program?

    • Indication of interest in the Sister Michelle Carroll Learning Services Program on admission application
    • Submission of educational plan from current school
    • Submission of a current psychological-educational evaluation including the WISC and Woodcock Johnson test scores that should:
      • State the specific disability as diagnosed, including DSM V classification.
      • Be no older than three years
      • Describe the comprehensive testing and techniques used to arrive at the diagnosis.
      • Provide the professional credentials of the evaluator(s)
      • Describe the specific accommodations needed, including the amount of extended time required.
    • Meeting with the director of the Sister Michelle Carroll Learning Services Program by phone or in person.
Mercy High School Baltimore is a sponsored ministry of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and is a member of Mercy Education.

Mercy High School proudly partners with eCampus for textbooks and other materials for our Mercy Girls.

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